Do you like physics and neuroscience? So do we! Ask about our PhD program in Physics + Neuroscience.
UA is constructing on new research institute housing Integrative Systems Neuroscience (more info)
New review and meta-analysis of experiments on criticality in the brain. We explain why early studies of spikes didn't agree.
New temporal renormalization group theory reveals novel time-resolved methods for measuring proximity to criticality. More here
Low dimensional criticality in high dimensional awake brain. Published in Science Advances
Sam awarded Goldwater Fellowship!
Kindler wins Hughes Graduate Fellowship and People's Choice award at 3MT competition
Antonio is selected to speak at Physics of Life Symposium at CUNY Graduate Center and Princeton University
ongoing research
Inhibition, population coupling, behavior, and Rett syndrome
Published in PNASPublished in Nature Communications. We use 3D motion capture to measure body movement and 32 channel chronic electrode implants to record single unit activity in primary motor cortex. We also impose pharmacological changes to inhibition. We found that neurons that are strongly coupled to ongoing cortical activity are weakly coupled to body movements, and vice versa. This relationship may be disrupted in Rett syndrome. Funded by National Institutes of Health, Foundational Questions Institute and Arkansas Bioscience Institute.
Criticality and behavior
Published in eLifeWe have found a strong link between criticality and behavior. Both behavioral dynamics and neural dynamics are scale-free. Individual neuronal avalanches are strongly correlated with specific behavioral events. To see this relationship, one must examine specific subsets of neurons. Funded by National Science Foundation.Mechanisms of retronasal olfaction
Published in PLoS Comp BiolPublished in iScienceWe perform recordings of many single neurons in olfactory bulb and piriform cortex as odorants are inhaled (orthonasal) and exhaled (retronasal). We aim to determine new coding principles that distinguish retro and orthonasal olfaction. We also perform micro CT imaging of rat nasal cavities and computer modeling of fluid flow and neural network models. This is a collaboration with Cheng Ly (VCU) and Andrea Barreiro (SMU). Supported by National Science Foundation and Arkansas Bioscience Institute.selected publications
lab members
J. Sam Sooter
Undergrad studentV. Kindler Norman
PhD StudentEhsan Ziarati
PhD StudentIris Youngdahl
PhD Studentdata
Awake head-fixed mouse. Neuropixels single unit recording in M1. Available here.
Anesthetized rat simultaneous recordings of many single units in olfactory bulb and piriform cortex. Available here.
Awake rat motor cortex single unit activity and body motion tracking data. Available here.
Anesthetized rat somatosensory cortex recordings during whisker stimulation. Available here.
Ex vivo turtle visual cortex recordings during visual stimulation. Available here.
more publications...
Roisen, D. A., & Shew, W. L. (2020). Fractal brain dynamics: from Mandelbrot to marmosets. The Journal of Physiology.
Virkar, Y. S., Restrepo, J. G., Shew, W. L., & Ott, E. (2020). Dynamic regulation of resource transport induces criticality in interdependent networks of excitable units. Physical Review. E, 101(2–1), 022303.
Nur T, Gautam SH, Stenken JA, Shew WL (2019) Probing spatial inhomogeneity of cholinergic changes in cortical state in rat. Sci Rep 9:9387.
Ly, C., Shew, W. L. & Barreiro, A. K. Efficient calculation of heterogeneous non-equilibrium statistics in coupled firing-rate models. J. Math. Neurosc. 7, (2019).
Agrawal, V. et al. Robust entropy requires strong and balanced excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Chaos An Interdiscip. J. Nonlinear Sci. 28, 103115 (2018).
Hoseini, M. S. et al. Induced cortical oscillations in turtle cortex are coherent at the mesoscale of population activity, but not at the microscale of the membrane potential of neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 118, (2017).
Hoseini, M. S. et al. The turtle visual system mediates a complex spatiotemporal transformation of visual stimuli into cortical activity. J. Comp. Physiol. A (2017).
Fakhraei, L., Gautam, S. H. & Shew, W. L. State-dependent intrinsic predictability of cortical network dynamics. PLoS One 12, e0173658 (2017).
Virkar, Y. S., Shew, W. L., Restrepo, J. G. & Ott, E. Feedback control stabilization of critical dynamics via resource transport on multilayer networks: How glia enable learning dynamics in the brain. Phys. Rev. E 94, 042310 (2016).
Fagerholm, E. D. et al. Cascades and Cognitive State: Focused Attention Incurs Subcritical Dynamics. J. Neurosci. 35, 4626–4634 (2015).
Yang, H., Shew, W. L., Roy, R. & Plenz, D. in Criticality in Neural Systems (eds. Plenz, D. & Niebur, E.) 335–346 (Wiley, 2014).
Larremore, D. B., Shew, W. L. & Restrepo, J. G. Critical Dynamics in Complex Networks. Criticality in Neural Systems (2014).
Yang, H., Shew, W. L., Roy, R. & Plenz, D. Peak Variability and Optimal Performance in Cortical Networks at Criticality. Criticality in Neural Systems (2014).
Grady, S. K., Hoang, T. T., Gautam, S. H. & Shew, W. L. Millisecond, Micron Precision Multi-Whisker Detector. PLoS One 8, e73357 (2013).
Yang, H., Shew, W. L., Roy, R. & Plenz, D. Maximal Variability of Phase Synchrony in Cortical Networks with Neuronal Avalanches. J. Neurosci. 32, 1061–1072 (2012).
Plenz, D. et al. Multi-electrode array recordings of neuronal avalanches in organotypic cultures. J. Vis. Exp. (2011). doi:10.3791/2949
Larremore, D. B., Shew, W. L., Ott, E. & Restrepo, J. G. Effects of network topology, transmission delays, and refractoriness on the response of coupled excitable systems to a stochastic stimulus. Chaos 21, 025117 (2011).
Shew, W. L., Bellay, T. & Plenz, D. Simultaneous multi-electrode array recording and two-photon calcium imaging of neural activity. J. Neurosci. Methods 192, 75–82 (2010).
Lyotard, N., Shew, W. L., Bocquet, L. & Pinton, J.-F. Polymer and surface roughness effects on the drag crisis for falling spheres. Eur. Phys. J. B 60, 469–476 (2008).
Gasteuil, Y. et al. Lagrangian Temperature, Velocity, and Local Heat Flux Measurement in Rayleigh-Bénard Convection. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 1–4 (2007).
Shew, W. L., Gasteuil, Y., Gibert, M., Metz, P. & Pinton, J.-F. Instrumented tracer for Lagrangian measurements in Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 065105 (2007).
Shew, W. & Pinton, J.-F. Dynamical Model of Bubble Path Instability. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 6–9 (2006).
Shew, W. L., Poncet, S. & Pinton, J.-F. Force measurements on rising bubbles. J. Fluid Mech. 569, 51 (2006).
Shew, W. L. & Pinton, J.-F. Viscoelastic effects on the dynamics of a rising bubble. J. Stat. Mech. Theory Exp. 2006, P01009–P01009 (2006).
Shew, W. & Lathrop, D. Liquid sodium model of geophysical core convection. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 153, 136–149 (2005).
Sisan, D., Shew, W. L. & Lathrop, D. P. Lorentz force effects in magneto-turbulence. Phys. Earth Planet. Inter. 135, 137–159 (2003).
Shew, W. L., Coy, H. A. & Lindner, J. F. Taming chaos with disorder in a pendulum array. Am. J. Phys. 67, 703 (1999).